Ahh running! The very word run can bring some to tears and others to cheers. It's a love/hate relationship. So why the topic of running today? Well, there's a couple of reasons. First off, I like running...love it in fact. Ehh...well, some days I really hate it but for the most part I love it. I am thinking about it now because I just signed up for my first half marathon. Crazy I know. But at least its only half crazy. Full blown crazy is still a few months away. Secondly, I wanted to write about something that was anthropological and running fit the bill perfectly. How you ask? Allow me to educate you. Humans were born to run. Mmhmm...that's right. We are all runners deep down inside. Even if the very word makes you see double. Evolution made us runners.
According to researchers, humans have been running for more than 2 million years. Now, I know the study came out in 2004 and I'm a little late on the draw, but I still wanted to share this with everyone. Mainly because I think that too many people out there are afraid to get up off the couch and go for a jog. No need to fear. You were born to run!
How were we born to run? Our bodies tell the story. To start, the basics. I hope that everyone reading this is aware that Humans are apart of the ape species. If you were not aware, you are now. There are a lot of differences between us and our closest ancestors. This goes beyond the ability to talk and some really intense body hair. Researchers in 2004 identified a range of traits in the human body that were specifically well adapted to running. For starters: the Achilles tendon. This spring like wonder absorbs shock as we run. According to researchers, this little beauty was missing from our ancestors, the Australopithecus. Another spring, noted by researchers, is our arch. This first appeared to have evolved with Homo Habilis. Also, "the researchers say long legs, relative to body mass, first appeared with Homo erectus some 1.8 million years ago" (Link to article). Even our facial characteristics and our butts make us prime candidates for endurance running. All of these things put together make us one lean, mean, running machine.
We are so good at running that studies show we can outrun antelope and horses. That's right. Thought we were slow wimps didn't ya? Facts are we can't run as fast as them but we can outlast them. Many bush tribes in Africa use this endurance ability to exhaust their prey to the point they can get close enough to disable and kill them.
All of these stories and studies make me feel better as a runner. Yeah I suffer from injury on occasion and yes, I am very slow, but when my brain is screaming at me to stop cause we're not made for this stuff, I can ignore it and keep going. Because my body always has more to give then my brain. I was built to run. Just as all humans were. Don't take my word for it though. Read the research yourself. There are four great articles, here, here, here, and here, that sum up the research more in depth. My post is just a really fast over view. I know that when I am in the thick of my first half marathon I am going to have to remind myself of this. I hope that someone out there will read this and decide to see what evolution can do for them and go for a run. Once around the block is better than no run at all.
Here are some fun pictures to entertain you!
Happy Trails!
Rachel B.
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