Friday, June 1, 2012

Why Anthropology?

Because I love it!!! Talk about being a part of something really really great! Anthropology is probably one of the most diverse fields I have ever encountered. What is Anthropology, you say? Well...let me tell ya!

In a nut shell, Anthropology is the study of humans! That's right...we study ourselves. Before you run off thinking "creepy" read on a little more. As an Anthropologist I have the ability to look out amongst my fellow human kind and learn an astounding amount of information.

Through Cultural Anthropology (that's me), I get to study cultures and communities. This can mean traveling to a foreign country to learn about customs and practices or traveling down the block to do a local ethnography on coffee shop customers. Everywhere humans go, we are surrounded by culture and diversity. As Anthropologists, we have the opportunity to take that culture and diversity and study it for the greater good of humankind.

Through Linguistic Anthropology, languages are studied and preserved. Some Linguistic Anthropologists have even used their smarts to determine how old certain languages are and through that, learned when different groups settled in their respective areas.

Archeology (that would be Indiana Jones' job) is the opportunity to look at our past and combine it with knowledge from the present to develop a better understanding of where we came from and where we could possibly be going. (Not to mention, you get to play in the dirt...who doesn't love that!)

Last but certainly not least is Biological Anthropology (think about the show Bones for this one). Biological Anthropologists get to do an amazing array of cool stuff. They study human development over the course of our history, evolution, primatology and the ever popular, Forensic Anthropology.

To sum it up...there is nothing an Anthropologist can't do...well almost nothing! The field of Anthropology has so many applications it can carry into any career field out there, from medicine to business to education. Don't believe around the internet and check out all the awesome things Anthropologist do that you might not have been aware of.

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