Friday, April 19, 2013

Ay, caramba! It's been sooooooo long since I've been on here. No excuses, just life. lol. I saw a quote today that made me think of my blogs and how I should do some posting. The quote was "You are what you do. Not what you say." Well, I tend to say a lot but do I do a lot? Hmm...In the past month or so since I last posted it feels like I have done a lot. With relevance to this blog I have done quite a lot. For starters, for my birthday, my husband took me on a hike up Wind Mountain. At the top of Wind Mountain is an archeology site. I have tons of pictures and have yet to post them. Sigh* I also just got back from Missouri where I was visiting family. How is that relevant? awesome Grandma lives on what used to be a Native American site. Technically it should be an archeological site, but since she doesnt want people digging up her yard, I guess we will leave that one alone for now. But...that did not keep me from digging up just a little bit of it...I'm her granddaughter so its okay. I have pics of that too and fun stories to tell of what me and my little mini-explorers found. But alas, I still have not posted them.

So why am I rambling? I have no idea. I guess I've realized a few things. For starters, I'm not so sure anymore that I want to be a professional, masters/Ph.D level archeologist or anthropologist. There are just waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to many things that I love and am interested in. There is no way I could ever hope to pick one or two and specialize in them. That realization kinda sucked but what are ya gonna do. Life is about finding what makes you happy and going with it. I am happiest when I am able to explore many different things. When I have exhausted my resources of information on one topic, I move on. I am a lifelong student. When I think about picking one thing or narrowing in on one field, the four year old in me stomps her foot and yells, "I don't wanna!" So what does this mean for my future in the field? It means awesome, awesome things. Will I work as a professional? No. But I will continue on as an amateur archeologist, anthropologist, historian, etc... Because reading up on it and studying anything I can get my hands on is so worth begin able to wander around in the field. Professionally, I will stick with what I am good at. Business, marketing, fundraising...those sorts of things. But at heart, I will always be an Anthropologist. I will just join those who have decided to enjoy the field peripherally, exploring, researching, and discovering whatever fleeting fancy they happen across. Here's to amateur and arm chair Anthropologist, past, present and future. Keep the interest alive!

Rachel B. 

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