Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Adventure Time...

Somewhere in Skamania, WA lays this beautiful little jem you see in the picture above. Call me weird but when I was a kid, my favorite moments were wondering around the woods and coming across some long forgotten structure. I used to wonder who had lived there and why they had gone. The picture above has been toying with my childlike curiosity for some time now. In the book Curious Gorge, (which is an amazing book about hikes in the Columbia Gorge) this place is referred to as Stone House. My hope is this weekend to officially trek up to the house and explore it for myself. The pictures I have seen so far are amazing but I want more. I want to walk around the structure and try to see if I can get something, anything that might provide a clue as to the original inhabitants. As far as I know, no one has any history on this house which makes it all the more interesting. Perhaps somewhere among what is left lies a clue that can help unravel the houses mysteries.

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