Thursday, July 19, 2012


Sigh...I've become a bad blogger. Almost an entire month has passed since my last posting. It's not because there is nothing worth mentioning, it's just that my life has gotten a little crazier. At the end of the month I will be moving, which ALWAYS sucks. One of these days I am going to find my dream home and never have to move again. Like my grandparents who have been in the same place since the late 60's.

It feels as though very little has gone on in the Anthropology world as of late. I did take note of an interesting article on Yahoo news today about the size of Neanderthals arms and why they think they were larger and more robust then human arms. Once again it was brought up that Neanderthals interbred with humans. While I do not actually support the theory, I am willing to entertain it. I mean after all, a horse and a donkey can mate and still produce offspring (the mule for those of you who don't know). But because they are nearing the end of their evolutionary tract of being able to successfully mate together, the mule is born sterile and cannot reproduce. Or so I hear....I have in fact never met a mule. I wish more people were interested in things of this nature. Wouldn't it be a perfect world to wake up every morning with a news reports centered around Anthropology in some way? Yes, I am that obsessed!

Well, I wish I had more to say, but the truth is I don't. So much is going on that its hard to pick one thing to focus on or rant about. Besides, I want this blog to be about Anthropology and not my personal life. Although I guess I failed at that a few posts ago now didn't I? Sigh*